Ballad of a teen Astronaut

jueves, 22 de septiembre de 2011

The Earth by Andrea Suárez

Billions of years ago, a realm was overtaken of fire and ice. No life existed, there seemed to be no end to the destruction. Ahl, the god of time, became tired of watching worlds fall to the same destruction over and over again. So, he decided that he was going to create a new world, a world that consisted of beauty, light, and creatures that could help maintain his new world. 

Slowly, he started to make a plan. He had to find the way to protect the planet from his brothers obsession with destruction. Hew and Lir, traveled from planet to planet covering each world in darkness. There was no way that Ahl could keep his new world safe. So the god had to create a plan that would be accurate, cold, and quick. 

The first thing in order to proceed with his plan was to think of a way to conceal his new world from his brothers. He went to the furthest part of the galaxy and collected the biggest, brightest star, to hide his new world behind. He surrounded the world in an invisible protective layer that would keep all harm away from the planet. Ahl was satisfied with his creativity, hoping that his brothers would not find this new world and destroy it. He was really relieved, because now he had the ability to finally create.

Ahl observed the world before him, finding it to to be dark and barren. So, he said into the darkness, "Let there be light!", and ¡Boom! the world illuminated with a brilliant shine. Ahl thought it was beautiful. Ahl knew that he was going to need some help with his new world, so he said into the world, "Let there be life!" Slowly, creatures began to come up out of the water and walk on four legs, if he looked closely he could see magnificent, creatures of all sizes underneath the blue water moving swiftly though they appeared to have no legs. Suddenly, he noticed small creature, unlike all the other creatures that were around. This creature stood upright and walked on two legs, it was the most beautiful being he had ever seen. Ahl decided to name these creatures; humans, and decided that they were the ones that were going to help him take care of his new world. Everything was completely perfect, Ahl was so satisfied.

After time passed, Ahl started to wonder about his brothers, about the exterior universe, he had not been out since the creation. He also started noticing changes in the atmosphere, stars in triangular shapes. Blue and red stars that seemed closer each time more. That could be just one thing: his brothers. Hew and Lir had discovered the planet and were here to destroy it, Ahl thought. Microseconds later he saw the layer was starting to get covered with Ice. He entered in panic, he did not know what to do. Later lava started melting the ice, making it fall all over the planet as a water fountain. The secret world was not anymore secret, and was about to be destroyed. Ahl's beautiful creation could not be destroyed, extinguished, ended. Ahl tried to went to the surface and talk to them. They didn't listen. He thought, and thought, and thought, he had an idea.

Ahl freezed the time outside the layer. Life will continue in the new world, and an eternal pause will keep the outside from any try of attempt against the planet. Earth, how Ahl decided to call the planet, was now safe.

lunes, 14 de junio de 2010

Wake up.

Wake up?
I start to doubt.. again
Why fucking me?! fucking whyyy!
I just wasn't made for be a human, i'm so.. inperfect
i'm so.. crap
Just want to fucking get out of this bloodyfucking body &fly away.. like i want, like i should..
Don't fucking wanna watch it anymore! don't you know that that's just killing me?, just wanna hide away of it but it's everywhere, just leave me alone one second..
Im not made for this..

martes, 1 de junio de 2010

Algo mas?

There are days that i feel that everything is blowing up, that i just want to leave it all, that i just have to let it go..

There are some that i think all my life's fine, that anything can be mine, that nobody can stop me..

Now it starts to make no sense, now it starts to make me calm down.. Everything can change my mind, anything can blow my toughts..

Thirsty of know the world! Hungry of know who i am.. Want to wake up of this ''forever dream'' ..


jueves, 27 de mayo de 2010

Locura, agonía, tú..

Bueno, pero estando aquí sintiendo la necesidad de tenerla y no poder complacer esa necesidad... que pues aunque la tuve y la perdí..
& aunque de repente la siento tan cerca... abro los ojos y veo que no está... que hasta en algún momento he sentido su olor... su tacto..

Lastima que no está...

No está, se fué, &no tengo la menor idea de cuando la volveré a ver..

Lo mejor es esperar... si la espera te trae agonía, signifíca que tus sentimientos son reales..
O acaso hay otra explicación?


Todos tenemos nuestro propio grado de locura... cada quien tiene su demencia y eso es lo que comprende la lucidez en la persona..

Hay veces que no puedo controlarme, me invade todo el cuerpo, capsulas &agua,
necesito más..



Ya no sé ni lo que necesito cuando no estás..

& de repente la ausencia invade ¿cierto?

Que empieza como un no se que, pero termina con un gran sufrimiento..
Puedes decirme por que?

..By. Isaac &Astronauta

miércoles, 26 de mayo de 2010

Manipulated Living

El, es..
Su nombre, es..
Extraño, raro, diferente..
El se siente normal, el se cree igual que los demas..
Conservador, callado &serio, vestido con pantalones cortos &camisas polo Abercrombie..
Somos dos lineas paralelas, jamás nos tocaremos..
Un espacio vacío nos separa..
Hacerlo entender que no es igual a los demas..

-Que significa "Raro" para ti?

-(Mirada de extrañación)huh?

-La palabra "raro" que te parece, buena o mala?


No lo puedo creer, en verdad está sucediendo.

Dios, soy lo peor escribiendo..

miércoles, 12 de mayo de 2010

Spear liquid watz

Lo que es querer desgarrarte todo el cuerpo para que hasta el mas profundo pedazo de pensamiento salga de ti..
Inspiración, inspiración, inspiración, Donde estás?
Muero por encontrarte &saborear la vida!
Muero por ti! Inspiración a mis escritos!, Inspiración a mis acciones!.. Inspiración a mi vivir..
Dime lo que sabes de soñar?, yo te dire que en realidad no sabes nada..

Mi nombre es Andrea Suárez, &soy el astronauta de tus sueños..

miércoles, 14 de abril de 2010

El ciclo sin fin..

Pinche blogg..
Nadie me lee..
&yo sigo escribiendo..
Como si a alguien le interesara lo que pienso..
Cerrada (Me incluyo)
Que sera si a los que se dicen abiertos son mas cerrados que las quesadillas?

Yo vengo de un lugar en el que los suenos "existen"
Hace poco conoci a alguien..
Conversabamos, le contaba acerca de mis suenos y planes en el futuro..
Ella nadamas acentia..
Pregunte que si ella tenia alguno..
Respondio que no..
Pregunte que seria de su vida?
Respondio que pensaba salirse de la escuela un ano antes de terminarla..
Pregunte que si pensaba a llegar algo con eso, que si no queria viajar por el mundo, ser millonaria(lo mas comun)
Respondio que no, solo salir de estudiar, y quedarse toda su vida aqui, en este pueblo..